Chased Off By the Pactolus Light itself

At some point in your life for something such as this, you have to decide wether or not to give a true and accurate statement of an event in writing and letting people think you’re crazy or just let the story go untold and get lost forever.

This is a story that has been kept between just us “Light Hunters & Friends” for over a decade.

It was a cool autumn night and I remember so vividly just getting a new Z-71. It was my first truck. So, we had a great idea… let’s go see the light. 3 of us loaded up and drove down the gravel path at the time (Carl Morris Rd) which since has been paved. It was a slow night with light activity.

When we go we usually sit there in intervals of 1 hour. This particular night the moon was almost full and our visit was becoming uneventful. For the whole hour sitting there we flashed the head lights on the truck down the path facing the NW side of the railroad bed. We got out of the truck and yelled and taunted the light saying misc. things as younger guys would do.

An hour passes of taunting and trying to rise some sort of action out of the mysterious light. We give up, it’s time to just go home for the night.

We started off down the path and reached hwy 30 and nothing odd or unusual. We look both ways before turning out on the hwy and there was not a soul to be seen. We turned right headed southbound to hwy 264 and about the time we made the turn a light appeared on the main hwy and it looked like a motorcycle about a mile or so behind us.

We were traveling a good 70mph on hwy 30 and the light was gaining on us so we sped up faster and it kept gaining distance on us. Finally it was hammer down, and somewhere in between all of this all three of us decided to turn around and face the car or motorcycle. We hit the last side road we could before 264 and turned around. We started heading North on hwy 30 towards this light.

It was a matter of seconds before we were face to face with it. We came within a couple hundred feet of the light and it was not a motorcycle or a car. It was just a light almost resembling a the headlight of an old locomotive. At this point we are all petrified of what we are seeing, we see a light on the highway dead ahead and NOTHING around the light.

Scared to death at this point we put the truck on the shoulder of the rd and slammed the gas on the 5.3L V8 spinning around completely to be pointed in the south bound direction again and if it was a car or motorcycle… you would have heard about that night because we spun around within 100 feet dead in front of it and if was another person, someone in one of the two parties would have died that night.

As soon as the truck whipped around onto the asphalt the light just vanished, gone! It was almost if it knew it had gotten the best of us and got revenge on our taunts and teases. To this day, we aren’t the only ones who have had the light chase us. We know fire chiefs and deputies that will tell this same similar story because it’s happened to others too.

Be careful if you go there because if you go there enough sooner or later you will be telling people the same story too only for them to look at you like you’ve lost your marbles.



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