
As with many states, North Carolina is rich with history, folklore, and urban legends. Since I am a longtime resident of Eastern North Carolina (all of my life), you would have thought I would have heard this story. However, it has been only recently that I discovered this eerie tale of a love that never would be and the senseless murder of a young man. The biggest surprise was yet to come. It seems this haunted location is less than ten miles from my home. The story begins sometime in the early 1900’s. A young man rode his horse from Greenville to Pactolus. Pactolus is a small community east of Greenville. At this time, there was a train station in existence in the Pactolus community. The purpose of this trip was to surprise the young man’s fiancée by meeting her train. Unfortunately, the train was extremely late this particular evening and the young man was soon alone in the dark. Of course, he really was not alone. His horse was very impressive and caught the attention of three men who were walking along the train tracks. They decided that this was a perfect opportunity to catch a ride rather than walk to their destination. The three men hid in the brush surrounding the train station and as the young man rode by, he was ambushed and killed. The three men hid his body in the thickness of the woods. However, the horse was frightened away and returned to Greenville two days later. The family feared the worse after the horse returned without his rider. They searched the train station and the surrounding area only to find nothing. The young man’s ghost is seen walking beside the train tracks. The form he takes is a single light floating beside the tracks. Sometimes the light floats at waist level (as if he is walking beside his horse) and other times the light floats above the head (as if he is riding his horse). The young man uses the light to let his fiancee know that he was there to meet her. The tracks have long been removed and all that remains now is a path. The land is now privately owned. Those who go to the area are promptly chased away. This proves the point to always get permission first and limit your party time to private places. There are still many unanswered questions surrounding this story. I would like to know the young man’s name and what happened to his body? Seven will be attempting to get permission from the current owners to conduct an official investigation. The investigation will be to determine if the light is still active and perform the research needed to answer the questions that have remained open for so long.  (Author Unknown)

Source: http://www.hauntednc.com/legends/pactolus-lights.html

Pactolus Train Station Pictures Shown Below

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As Pactolus Train Station Sits Today Below

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Historical Train Stations of Stokes & Pactolus
Current Location
Current Use
Date Built
Track Status
Bldg. Mat.
Current Railroad
relocated to 2nd St.
Field checked 3/06
off Tyson St.
metal sheathed, Field checked 3/06

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Tyson St. in Stokes is where the stokes Station is/was and on 2nd St is the Pactolus Station. The Red mark on the map is where the anomaly occurs. It’s about an hour and a half walk from either station so to us it gives the story credibility. If you connected the two stations with a straight line you are looking at the old railroad bed. According to speculation the phenomenon happens on private property but if you look it up on the OPIS (Online Parcel Information Service) the old Rail Road Right of Way is Owned by the State. This little bit of information builds credibility to the story but still doesn’t explain it in a way that can be comprehended once one has seen the lights. It might forever be a mystery.

Here’s a 1900’s Railroad Map – You can clearly see Pactolus and Stokes connected.

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Source: http://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ncmaps/id/506


Excuse the language – Youtube temporarily banned this user but we were able to obtain it from the owner and have his permission to repost it here.

To make things stranger the house below is the closest house to the anomaly which is where the red pin point is…

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Out of the 30 some odd times we’ve visited the site not once have we ever seen the flood lights OFF on this house. Do they leave the flood lights on to keep away the light???

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This is the parcel map. Dead center Carl Morris Road NCDOT Parcel which clearly connects with the old Rail Road Bed Running NW to SE. What makes it even stranger is the fact there are gates and no trespassing signs and it is clearly government parcel.

If you have anything to add to this story/mystery feel free to contact us on the Contact Page.